Embracing the Gift of “Slowness” at Camp: A Year-End Reflection
Howdy Camp Friends and Family
As the year draws to a close, I can’t help but look back at all the wonderful times we had at camp this season. We are truly blessed to have so many children and families call this place home. As we prepare for the holiday season and 2024, I just wanted to send a quick thank you and “thought for the day”.
People always ask, “when’s the slow time at camp?” My answer is, “never and always”. There are people and programs running all the time! From wintertime magic on the sled hill to summer thrills at the waterfront, from raucous campfires at a Father Daughter Weekend to the outrageous hype of Frog and Turtle races, from fall family reunions to spring maple syrup festivals, Camp just never seems to have a “slow” day!
But amid all the hustle and bustle there is an essence of “slowness”. Slow in a good way. Like the slowness of a dad and son fishing quietly at first light at Father Son Weekend. Slow. Like the slowness a group of teens experience when huddled around a crackling campfire deep in the wilderness. Slow. Like the slowness a mom feels when she can finally relax in a hammock at Women’s Wellness Weekend. “When is the slow time at camp?” I say again, “never and always”. Folks, life is always going to be busy, but one of the greatest aspects of Camp is that it gives us all a reason to slow down and connect with what is most important in life.
Friends, I can’t wait to see you at camp soon. Registration is opening soon and as always I ask that you consider giving the gift of camp, the gift of “slowness”, to a family in need through our annual support campaign. Your financial support is the glue that holds our mission together.
All the best,
Max Clark
Executive Director of Camping Services