Group of young children standing outdoors with backpacks, smiling confidently with arms crossed, in front of a school building.

School Day Out

Quality care and enriching activities for your child on no-school days. Peace of mind for parents, fun for kids!

Engaging Activities for School Breaks

Our Kids’ Day Out program keeps children ages 5-12 active and entertained during no-school days. Enjoy a mix of gym games, crafts, and more. With qualified staff and a nurturing environment, your child will have a blast while you stay worry-free.

Typical Daily Schedule

6:30am – 8:30am        Drop-off, Free Choice, Imagination Stations

8:30am – 9:30am        Gym Games, Snack

9:30am – 12:00pm      Field Trip/Special Event TBD

12:00pm – 12:30pm    Bag Lunch (milk provided)

12:30pm – 1:30pm      Crafts, Quiet Group Games

1:30pm – 3:00pm        Recreational Swim (most days)

3:00pm – 4:30pm       Movies, Crafts, Games, Snack

4:30pm – 6:00pm       Pick-up, Free Choice, Imagination Stations

Daily activities may also include special guest speakers and outdoor recreation.

Register for Kids’ Day Out

Rates per Child
Y Members: $36/day
Current Before and/or After School Child Care Participants: $36/day
General Public: $42/day

Registration forms can be dropped off or mailed to the Ferguson Family Y School Age Child Care Office (235 N Jefferson St.), or emailed to

Registration fee required of $10.00 per child for children not enrolled in the Before and/or After School Program. This fee is non-refundable.

Important Reminders

Please dress your child appropriately for both indoor and outdoor activities. Parents must sign in by 8:30 am and pick up by 6:00 pm.

Safe and Nurturing

The safety of your child and your family is our #1 priority! Fully qualified staff provide strong leadership and a caring environment for all children to have fun in a safe space.

Smiling family sitting on a couch, using a laptop together; the mother holds a credit card, suggesting online shopping or learning.

Flexible Payment Options

Choose from monthly drafts or credit card payments to fit your needs. Financial Assistance is available; check the appropriate box on the Registration Forms to receive an application.

Frequently Asked Questions

Children enjoy a mix of activities including gym games, crafts, swimming, and field trips, from 6:30 am to 6:00 pm.
Please send your child with a swimsuit, towel, gym shoes, and a labeled lunch. Snacks are provided.
Current YMCA members: $35/day. General public: $41/day. A $10 registration fee applies for non-members.
To cancel, provide written notice at least 2 weeks in advance. Refunds are available if the YMCA cancels due to insufficient enrollment.