Celebrate National Voter Registration Day with the YMCA: Your Voice Matters | Greater Green Bay YMCA Skip to main content
National Voter Registration Day

At the Y, we believe in the power of community and the importance of every voice being heard. That’s why we’re excited to join the nation in celebrating National Voter Registration Day on September 17, 2024. This day is more than just a reminder to register—it’s a call to action, an opportunity to empower ourselves, and a chance to build a brighter tomorrow for all.

Why National Voter Registration Day Matters

National Voter Registration Day is the nation’s largest nonpartisan civic holiday dedicated to ensuring every eligible American is registered and ready to vote. Every year, organizations from Fortune 500 companies to local food banks, public libraries, and YMCAs like ours unite in a one-day democracy blitz. Through events, outreach, and media campaigns, we work together to raise awareness about voter registration opportunities and help people navigate the process.

Unfortunately, millions of Americans miss their chance to vote because of easily avoidable obstacles—they miss a registration deadline, don’t update their registration after moving, or simply aren’t sure how to get started. A 2020 study found that 42% of unregistered young voters (ages 18–24) didn’t know how to register, forgot, or felt too busy. National Voter Registration Day aims to change that by making it easier for everyone to take the first step toward being #VoteReady.

How You Can Get Involved

1. Check Your Registration Status: Even if you think you’re registered, it’s always a good idea to double-check. Changes in address, name, or other personal details might affect your registration. Make sure your information is up-to-date so you’re ready to make your voice heard on Election Day.

2. Register to Vote: If you haven’t registered yet, now’s the perfect time! Whether you’re new to voting or have recently moved, National Voter Registration Day offers the resources and support you need to get registered quickly and easily.

3. Visit Your Local YMCA: On September 17, resources will be available at all six Green Bay YMCA locations to assist individuals with checking their registration status and helping them get registered to vote. This is a great opportunity to get support in a welcoming, community-focused environment.

4. Spread the Word: Use your voice to encourage friends, family, and neighbors to register. Share information on social media, join a local registration event, or simply start a conversation about the importance of voting. Together, we can make a difference.

5. Get Educated and Stay Informed: Being a voter is about more than just registering—it’s also about being informed. Learn about upcoming elections, know your voting options, and stay aware of any changes to registration deadlines or voting procedures in your area.

Make Your Mark on Democracy

Since 2012, more than 5 million Americans have registered to vote on National Voter Registration Day, and this year, we hope to add even more voices to that count. Whether it’s your first time voting or your fiftieth, your vote is your voice, and your voice matters.

At the Y, we believe in empowering individuals to reach their full potential—and that includes civic engagement. When we participate in our democracy, we strengthen our communities and build a future where everyone has a seat at the table.

Let’s make sure that every eligible American gets registered, informed, and ready to vote. Join us on September 17 at any of our six Green Bay YMCA locations, and let’s make our voices heard together. For a better us.®